Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Update 01/09/2009

Hey all, apologies for the radio silence. I have been a very busy boy recently away from the blog with trips to various corners of the country to see friends/relations/cats so that's why we've been lacking in posts recently but there is news on the horizon:

More of the wonder of the interwebs:
As a fair few of you will be aware, This is Panic now has a page on Facebook so you can become a "fan" of the blog on there. Remember to invite your friends along as the more people, the better a discussion we can all have about everything. Searching This is Panic on Facebook should give you the page. A big thanks to those of you who have already joined the party.

Everyone loves posts:
The next part of the series is in the works at the moment. As ever if there's anything that you want to see written about. Also don't forget that this is your space too! If you want to contribute anything to the blog itself then let me know either through the site itself or Facebook.

New series:
A new series of posts is in the works as well. It'll be called "Panic Buys" where I and you lovely lot will review some of the products on hand marketed to help us cope with anxiety conditions. I don't mean medications but things like books, herbal remedies, self help guides, anything we can get our grubby little hands on. Part 1 of that is in the pipeline to come out soon but as ever input people! Your reviews are welcome.

This is Panic in print:
I mentioned a while back that the blog was going to be featured in a national publication and as it's now September and the magazine is coming out soon, I think we can let the cat out of the bag.

A while back I sent an email to the national charity Anxiety UK (formally The National Phobics Society) asking them if they had a blog roll and if so could we be put on it. The response was essentially "sorry, no blog roll but we like the blog and would you mind writing something for it?"
Naturally I jumped at the chance.
Anxious Times is the quarterly magazine of Anxiety UK which has articles covering the gambit of conditions from GAD to OCD to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's got regular articles from professionals and is a good publication for anyone who either suffers or works in the field of mental health. For you environmentally minded lot, you can even subscribe and get the magazine sent to you as a pdf!
The article I've written is called "Make it Write" and will feature in the September issue of the magazine, out this week. The article will come out in Anxious Times first and I will publish it at a later stage on here but it'd be great if some of you would go get the magazine and show some love.

That's all for now folks, stay happy and if you can't stay happy at least stay safe.


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